Interactive eBooks

It’s not a question of if it’s a question of when.  It has been estimated that eBooks will supplant traditional textbooks within 5-7 years. eBooks, also known as “techbook,” contains a large collection of online learning tools and games ranging from videos, quizzes, animations, simulations, and puzzles, all aligned to standards, made completely searchable, and  organized into a complete curriculum. IneBook #4 a recent report by State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) they stated the benefits for student learning were many.

“Digital content can easily be kept up to date and relevant to students’ lives without the cost of reprinting or redistributing print materials such as a textbook. It can be made available anytime and anywhere, both online and offline, and accessible when and where the student, teacher, or parent needs it. It can be personalized to individual student learning needs and abilities. And, digital content can be far richer and engaging, including not only text, but also high-definition graphics, video clips animations, simulations, interactive lessons, virtual labs, and online assessments. Instead of fitting students to content, digital content allows the teacher to fit the content to the student.”

Interactive eBooks Articles