Request For Proposals





Request for Proposals Issued:

Deadline for Submittal of Proposals:




The _______________ is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to assist the District in ___________________.

Interested firms are invited to submit one original signed proposal and five (5) separate digital copies (individual CDs or flash drives) in PDF format. The proposal shall be made in the format provided and the complete proposal, together with any and all additional materials, shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed and delivered no later than ___________ to the following address:

This Request for Proposals (RFP) does not commit ____________ to award a contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal responsive to this request. The District reserves the right to accept all or part of any proposal or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP. The District further reserves the right to accept the proposal that it considers to be in the best interest of the District.

All requirements must be addressed in your proposal. Non-responsive proposals will not be considered. All proposals, whether selected or rejected, shall become the property of the District. Firms are responsible for checking the website periodically for any updates or revisions to the RFP.



Questions related to this RFP should be submitted in writing to __________ no later than ______________. II



Organization Background


The _____________ is seeking to ____________ and is looking for collaboration and assistance from qualified firms who can satisfactorily provide the following:


Project Purpose


In order for proposals to be considered, said proposal must be clear, concise, complete, well organized and demonstrate both respondent’s qualifications and its ability to follow instructions. The quality of answers, not length of responses or visual exhibits, is important in the proposal.

The proposal shall be organized in the format listed below and shall be limited to_______ pages (excluding attachments and appendices). Respondents shall read each item carefully and answer each of the following items accurately to ensure compliance with District requirements. Failure to provide all requested information or deviation from the required format may result in disqualification. Restate each item prior to addressing said item.


Instruction to Bidders

Submittal Letter

Include the RFP’s title and submittal due date, the name, address, fax number, and telephone number of the responding firm. Include a contact person and corresponding email address. The letter shall state that the proposal shall be valid for a ____ period and that the staff proposed is available immediately to work on this project. The person authorized by the firm to negotiate a contract with the District shall sign the cover letter.

Description of Firm

This section should provide information regarding the size, location, nature of work performed, years in business and the approach that will be used in meeting the needs of the District.

Organizational Structure

Describe your firm’s organizational structure. Supply the names of the professionals who will be responsible for this project. Please provide brief resumes for these individuals.

References and Description of Experience

This section should identify similar projects that the firm has completed as outlined in the RFP. Use this section to indicate the areas of expertise of your firm and how the firm’s expertise will enable the District to benefit from that expertise. Include the size of at least three (3) school districts with similar demographics and student performance, along with the names of individuals familiar with your work that can be contacted by District staff.

Project Overview

This section should clearly convey the consultant’s understanding of the nature of the work related to student academic performance and the general approach the consultant will use to complete the project. This section should include, but not be limited to, a discussion of the organization of the project and a summary of the proposed approach.

Detailed Work Plan

This section of the RFP should include a full description of each step your firm would follow in completing the project. The work description should be in sufficient detail to show a clear understanding of the work and proposed approach. This section should also include a description of the format, content, and level of detail that can be expected for each deliverable. A schedule showing the important milestones should also be included.

Cost Proposal

This section must provide a full description of the expected expenditures for the work described in this RFP. The cost proposal must include all consultant fees, preparation of deliverables, travel expenses per trip to Sacramento, printing, etc.



Consulting firms submitting proposals are advised that all proposals will be evaluated to determine the firm deemed most qualified to meet the needs of the District. The selection criteria will include, but not be limited to, the items listed below:

  1. Demonstrated understanding and responsiveness to the RFP.
  1. Proposals and experience of firm and personnel named in the proposal.
  1. Past experience in assisting __________ in implementing ______________.
  1. Describe your company’s commitment to ____________. Include ______________.
  1. Project understanding and approach including an understanding of the District.
  1. Satisfaction of previous clients. Provide three (3) references that reflect similar demographics and student performance, and are similar to the work contemplated in this RFP. Include the scope of work for each reference.
  1. Oral interview.
  1. Completeness and quality of the proposal.
  1. Cost proposal.



A Selection Advisory Committee will select and rank in the order of their qualifications those companies deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required work.

The Selection Advisory Committee may choose to interview any, all, or none of the respondents as may be in the best interest of the District. If interviews are held, the chairpersons will notify those companies selected as to the place, date, and time. The District will make investigations as necessary regarding the financial stability of any or all respondents and may require review by the District’s legal counsel. The names of all firms submitting proposals and the names, if any, selected for interview shall be public information. After award, final ranking, committee comments, and evaluation scores, the contents of all proposals become public information. Firms that have not been selected shall be so notified in writing after the conclusion of the selection process.



  • Schedule for Submission & Evaluation Process
  • RFP distributed to vendors
  • Deadline for RFP questions
  • Deadline for RFP response to questions
  • Proposals due
  • Evaluation committee review
  • Recommendations to Board of Education
  • Negotiate contract/provider signed contract
  • Contract fully executed
  • Anticipated earliest begin date
  • Late bids will be returned to the bidder unopened.



Evaluation of Bid Proposals

Proposals will be evaluated based on the degree to which the proposed solution meets or exceeds the stated requirements, the perceived maintainability and supportability of the proposed solution, the acquisition cost of the proposed solution, recurring costs associated with the proposed solution, other capabilities provided by the proposed solution not addressed in this RFP, the delivery and implementation timeframe of the proposed solution, reputation of the vendor and products included in the proposed solution, and District experience with the vendor.

The order of the criteria listed is of no consequence. The weight to which each criterion is considered at the sole discretion of the District will be based on the following: Cost, Safety, Sustainability, Purchasing Power, and Technology.

Award of Contract

The award of the Contract will be made to the responsive Bidder whose bid conforms, as specified in this document, and that is most advantageous to the District, price, and other factors being considered. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or part thereof and waive any irregularities.

Timeline to Start

Work Start time to begin the work shall be determined after Board of Education Approval.


Copyright © 2015 K-12 Blueprint.  This resource sponsored by Intel Education 2 . *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.